University Research Studies using Dylos and Indoor Air Quality Reports![]() THE ACCURACY AND QUALITY OF DYLOS MONITORS IS ATTESTED TO BY THE HUNDREDS OF LEADING UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTES ACCROSS THE WORLD WHICH HAVE USED DYLOS MONITORS IN THEIR RESEARCH In the past decades an increasing number of studies are pointing to the same conclusion - that particulate matter is a serious health threat which can kill you in a variety of ways. To better understand the pollution levels in our environment and how exposure is affecting the people's health a large number of research scientists have turned to Dylos monitors to conduct their studies. Over the years hundreds of Universities and Institutes have used Dylos monitors in their research projects. A great number of peer reviewed papers have been published. Below is a small sample of studies provided as downloadable pdf files. The original UC Berkeley study which tested the Dylos monitors in their environmental laboratory test chambers authored by leading climate scientists including Kirk R. Smith Click here to download UC Berkeley Lab Evaluation Study pdf This is a study by University of Iowa and Johns Hopkins researchers evaluating the Dylos monitors for use in measuring mass concentration (PM2.5) of occupational aerosols Click here to download Univ of Iowa/Johns Hopkins occupational aerosol study pdf This is a study by leading UK Universities of the use of Dylos monitors for personal exposure monitoring in both indoor and outdoor environments. Includes derivation of PM2.5 readings from Dylos monitor readings. Click here to download UK universities study of Dylos monitors for personal exposure pdf This is study out of the University of Colorado explores use of the Dylos monitors to measure indoor pollution from cooking. It includes conversion of Dylos readings to PM2.5 This is a second hand smoke study using Dylos monitors from researchers out of San Diego State University, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, and Standford Click here to download multiple universities second hand smoke study pdf This is a study of PM2.5 levels in child care facilities funded California Air Resources Board. It includes discussion of conversion methods of Dylos readings to PM2.5 Click here to download CARB funded child care facility study pdf | |